Fence Addictions, LLC

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Monday - Friday,
7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday - Sunday,
7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

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The Protection of Barbed Wire Fences in Tallahassee, FL

When you are looking for a tried-and-true way to protect your property, livestock, or belongings, you are going to want to turn to the team at Fence Addictions, LLC to discuss our barbed wire fences in Tallahassee, FL. Custom-made and installed, our fences are designed to fit your needs perfectly.

When you are not sure what type of fencing system is right for you, our team is ready to help you figure out the perfect choice to fit your unique specifications. Contact us to learn more about our custom fences and fence installation services.

Why You Should Choose a Barbed Wire Fence

Impenetrable Protection – Barbed wire fences stand out from the crowd thanks to their durability and height. This fencing option is great for keeping intruders and wildlife out of your property while aiding in keeping livestock safe and secure.

Versatility – Barbed wire fencing is a versatile fencing option that can be used in various sectors, including residential, commercial, agriculture, industrial, transportation, sports, and leisure.

Cost-Effectiveness – Not only is barbed wire fencing good at what it is supposed to do, but it is also very affordable when compared to other types of fences. That means it is a great option when safety and budget are your most important concerns.

Customization – Thanks to our custom fencing services, we are able to create a barbed wire fence that meets all of the specification requirements of you and your property without any hassle. Much of the fence can be adjusted to your specific parameters, including the diameter of the wire, the size and length of the edges, and the height of the fence.